•   Labourers' International Union of North America, Local 3000

How does LiUNA 3000 help Archaeologists?

Archaeologists from across Ontario have come together in solidarity to unionize under LiUNA (Labourer’s International Union of North America). Currently, our Union represents over three hundred members in Cultural Resource Management (CRM). This includes Field Directors, Field Technicians, Report Writers, and Lab Staff! Together, we are uniting to turn a passion into a career! We are fighting for health care, living wages, job security, and safe workplaces. Above all, we are committed to advocating for our profession and advancing the archaeological industry for everyone!

What is CRM?

The vast majority of Archaeologists in Canada work in CRM, which stands for Cultural Resource Management. Archaeological assessments are mandatory before development, and it is the job of the archaeologist to protect, document, and mitigate an irreplaceable record of material culture that might otherwise be lost or damaged.

Working as an Archaeologist

Archaeologists are highly skilled and highly educated; we work hard because this is our passion and we believe in the value of our work. Many of us hold a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree, and a government issued license. However, despite our qualifications, the vast majority of archaeologists work for less than a living wage, don’t receive health benefits, have no retirement savings, and no job security.

Additionally, Archaeologists face some of the highest injury rates in environmental assessment and risk long term injuries from our time in the field. Due to these poor working conditions, our turnover rate is enormous and those who stay in the industry struggle to get by.

Frequently Asked Questions

An employment contract cannot supersede the Employment Standards Act (ESA), which dictates when and how overtime should be paid. All workers are covered by the minimum standards of the ESA, however unionized members can negotiate higher standards and better working conditions in a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA).

In Ontario, employees can be terminated so long as they are given sufficient notice or pay in lieu of notice. In Archaeology, there is very little protection from being terminated, especially for seasonal workers. However, during Collective Bargaining negotiations, we can create additional protections for workers and clear processes to resolve any employment issues which arise.

In a non-unionized workplace, the employer makes all the decisions in the workplace – that includes deciding whether or not to bring you back every year. In a unionized workplace, we can negotiate recall rights so that you can count on having a job. Recall rights provide job stability for union members and ensures that an employer can rely on retaining skilled and qualified staff.

All workers have a right to a safe workplace, to know about hazards and participate in decisions that affect their health and safety at work. Unionized workplaces have collective agreements that enforce health and safety thereby providing a safer workplace and lower workplace accidents and better-protecting workers.

The Employment standards act provides some minimum standards for being paid drive time. However, many archaeologists don’t receive any wages while they’re driving a company vehicle, transporting equipment or driving their crew to the site. In a unionized workplace, we can negotiate for fair, paid drive time.