•   Labourers' International Union of North America, Local 3000
Shalom Gardens joins the LIUNA 3000 family

Shalom Gardens Joins the LIUNA 3000 Family

In almost unanimous fashion, the members at Shalom Gardens voted to leave the Christian Labour Association of Canada (CLAC) and join the LIUNA Local 3000 family. Shalom Gardens now joins their brothers & sisters from Shalom Manor, who also voted to leave CLAC and join LIUNA 3000.

Henley Place Unanimously Ratifies Their Collective Agreement

Together We Win At Henley Place!

Henley Place unanimously ratified their new Collective Agreement with wage increases as high as 18%, along with other contract improvements. The hard working LIUNA 3000 members at Henley Place proudly showed when a strong team sticks together we all win. Congratulations Henley Place!

Members win big at Queens & Regina Gardens
Ken Sharpe (Business Manager), Matt Laframboise (Union Rep), Ruth-Lyn Hendsbee, Mina Sulimankhil, Nenette Xaypharath, Jenette Xaypharath

Members Win Big at Queens & Regina Gardens!

A new collective agreement featuring significant wage and benefit improvements was ratified nearly unanimously at Queens Gardens and Regina Gardens Long Term Care in late June. The new deal saw wage increases of up to 15% over three years, along with increased paramedical, and vision coverage, new mental health benefits and higher shift and weekend premiums. By standing strong together, our members made this deal happen.

North York General Hospital Joins LIUNA

North York General Hospital joins LiUNA Local 3000

Nearly 200 new members from North York General Hospital have voted to join the LiUNA Local 3000 family by an overwhelming majority.

Henley House Ratifies

Henley House Ratifies New Agreement

Christmas came early for our members at Henley House who unanimously ratified a new collective agreement with wage increases over 12%. Congratulations brothers and sisters!

Bill 132 Update

For our Alberta Members: Bill 132 Update

In 2020, the government of Alberta passed a law known as the Restoring Balance in Alberta’s Workplaces Act. That law, from LiUNA Local 3000’s perspective, was ill-advised, unfair to workers and their unions, and poor public policy. It is also curious that a government that brags about cutting red tape would pass a law that imposes so much needless red tape for employers, unionized workers and unions.

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Bill 132 Update

VLG Summer BBQ: 2022

LiUNA 3000 celebrated our hard working members at Villa Leonardo Gambin with a Summer BBQ. The event was well attended by our LiUNA 3000 members, organizers, business representatives, in-house legal team, and one of our external legal counsel Georgina Watts.

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